Pond Plunge for CeCe Harris ’25

It’s a rite of passage at MICDS—the annual pond toss! This tradition honors the first senior accepted into college and is a fun way to acknowledge the official start of the college application season and the academic achievements of our seniors.

This year, the esteemed title belongs to CeCe Harris ’25, who has been accepted to Grand View University in Des Moines, Iowa. Surrounded by cheering classmates, faculty, and family, Harris was ceremoniously tossed into Polk Pond by a handful of friends, one of whom almost took a full plunge with her. The splashes and laughter echoed through the air, marking a significant milestone in the academic journey of both Harris and all members of the Class of 2025. It’s off to the races for college application season!

„Over the summer, I visited several schools that had offered me a spot on their basketball teams,“ shared Harris. „One of these schools, Grand View University, required an application before the visit, so I submitted mine in July while staying in a hotel in Des Moines. The following day, during my visit, I was thrilled to learn that I had been accepted. I immediately knew this could lead to the infamous pond toss! Although I haven’t made my final college decision yet, getting familiar with the application process has been a valuable experience.“

As Harris emerged from the pond, she was hugged with a towel and celebrated by her family and friends for a picture-perfect photo opp. „The pond toss itself was a highlight, especially on such a hot day. Despite the muddy water, being thrown in was surprisingly refreshing. One of the best parts was standing on the dock with some of my closest friends from MICDS—Kate Hunter ’25, Lilly Loeb ’25, Alyssa Harris ’25—and my younger sister, Lily Harris ’28. They debated whether to toss or push me, eventually settling on a push as the easier option. This is definitely a memory I’ll cherish forever,“ she added.

The pond toss is more than just a tradition; it’s a celebration of the collective achievements of the senior class and a reminder of the bright future that awaits them.

Congratulations to Harris and all the seniors as they embark on the next chapter of their lives!