MICDS Parents Association Gathers for a Morning of Warmth and Connection

By Betty Spitzfaden P’33, ’35, ’37

Despite the chilly February weather, the atmosphere inside Olson Hall was filled with warmth, conversation, and community as the MICDS Parents Association gathered to discuss exciting updates and celebrate the newly proposed slate for the 2025-2026 school year.

Megan Goldberg P’35, ’38, and Betty Spitzfaden P’33, ’35, ’37 organized a delightful spread of breakfast bites and warm beverages, with the support of Debbie Hill P’26, ’28, ’31, ’32, VP of Parent Activities.

The morning featured guest speaker Dr. Sally Maxwell, Assistant Head of School for Teaching and Learning, who shared insights into the evolving Middle School arts program. At MICDS, the arts are considered a core subject, offering students extensive opportunities in music, theater, dance, and studio arts. From instrumental and vocal music to drama and visual arts, students engage deeply in practice, performance, and creative expression. Dr. Maxwell also highlighted the school’s national search for top-tier, diverse educators to join the MICDS faculty. (Click here to see her slideshow!)

Annie Sloane P’20, ’25, the Parents Association’s Past President, presented the slate of officers for the 2025-2026 Executive Board and Class Chairs. She also previewed upcoming Parents Association activities, including the much-anticipated Spring Luncheon on April 25.

With so many exciting events on the horizon, we look forward to gathering again soon. We hope to see you at the next Parents Association gathering!