Lower School FAQs
Questions & Answers
Top MICDS Lower School Questions
Selecting a school for your child is a very important task with many factors to consider. To help in your search, we’ve put together our answers to some of the most popular questions we receive during Open House and the Lower School application process. We hope you find this information about MICDS and our Lower School useful as you find the school that is the best fit for your child.

How would my student be welcomed into the MICDS community?

How would my student be welcomed into the MICDS community?
Our Parent Welcoming Committee and Ram Family Connections program pairs every new Lower School family with a current family to help new students build relationships with classmates while also helping new parents connect with other parents in the same grade level. New students and parents are also invited to a number of welcoming events in the spring, summer, and early fall. In addition, Class Parent Chairs connect with new parents to welcome them and provide support throughout the school year.

What’s included in the cost of tuition?

What’s included in the cost of tuition?
Lower School tuition includes lunch and snacks, one-to-one technology tools, and all books and materials. Morning care and field trip costs are also included. On the first day of school, all your child needs is a backpack and a pair of shoes to keep at school for physical education.
Schoolwide, we award more than $6.73 million of need-based tuition assistance each year to families and 26% of our students receive some amount of financial support.

What can you share about the student community?

What can you share about the student community?
We have 214 students in our Beasley Lower School (Junior Kindergarten-4th grade) and 1,250 students in our JK-12 community at MICDS. Beasley has two or three homerooms per grade and 12-18 students in each homeroom. Every grade level has 3-4 dedicated teachers, plus specialist teachers who teach JK-4th grade. Our student-to-teacher ratio is 6:1.
MICDS has an intentionally diverse, welcoming community. Our families come from over 75 zip codes throughout the St. Louis area, and 26% of our students are supported by more than $6.73 million in need-based tuition assistance. Also, 43% of our students self-identify as students of color. Our students practice different faiths, are ideologically and racially diverse, learn differently, and, in some cases, speak different languages in their homes. What unites us is a common belief in the call to action of our Mission Statement: to embrace all of the world’s people with compassion, to stand for what is good and right, and to lead lives of purpose and service.

How does the daily schedule support student learning?

How does the daily schedule support student learning?
Beasley students spend time each day engaged in whole group, small group, and differentiated work with their teachers and classmates to receive the best instruction for each child. In addition to dedicated time each day with homeroom teachers focusing on language arts, math, and social studies, students at all grade levels are immersed in hands-on learning experiences with specialist teachers one to three times each week in visual arts, music, information literacy, science, and Spanish. They also participate in physical education every day!

Arts & Athletics
When are athletic and artistic opportunities offered for Lower School students?

Arts & Athletics
When are athletic and artistic opportunities offered for Lower School students?
Starting in Junior Kindergarten, students experience a thorough grounding with physical education, creative movement, visual arts, and vocal and instrumental music as a regular part of their time at school. Extracurricular experiences such as recreational team sports are also available and are organized by parents volunteers at each Lower School grade level.

Student Experience
How do Middle Schoolers describe their Lower School experience?

Student Experience
How do Middle Schoolers describe their Lower School experience?
We asked a few Middle Schoolers from Beasley to describe their Lower School experience. Read what they had to say below!
Finn F. ’30, started at Beasley in SK (Senior Kindergarten) and shared, “I started [SK] by not knowing much stuff and not knowing anyone, but now over the years, I have learned a bunch of things and have made a bunch of new friends!”
Max T. ’30, started at Beasley in JK and said, “When I was in JK, I was kind of running around a lot and not really paying attention in school. But now, I am paying attention more, and I am learning better than when I started.”
Ashna J. ’30, started at Beasley in second grade. She reflected, “I’m more open, and, of course, I’ve learned a lot in all the classes. Before, I didn’t really talk a lot at my other school; now, I talk more to people, and I have more friends.”
Eloise D. ’30, started at Beasley in JK and stated, “I’m more independent. I was very shy. I could not talk in front of my class and answer a question, so now I’m not as shy, and I can speak in big crowds.”

Beasley Explained
Why is MICDS Lower School called "Beasley" Lower School?

Beasley Explained
Why is MICDS Lower School called "Beasley" Lower School?
Ronald S. Beasley, an Englishman, and his wife, came to St. Louis in the fall of 1949 to become the headmaster of Mary Institute. He had a wonderful 20-year career at the school and was much beloved by many. Towards the end of his tenure, he and the board began researching making the grades JK–4 a coeducational experience for boys and girls. What had been the Mary Institute kindergarten and primary grades became the Ronald S. Beasley School. Mr. Beasley retired at the end of the 1968-1969 school year and planned to retire to Connecticut. Sadly, he passed away before he moved. The Beasley school opened in the fall of 1969 and has been going strong since, affectionately honoring Ronald S. Beasley.

Parent/Guardian Involvement
How can parents and guardians get involved in the school?

Parent/Guardian Involvement
How can parents and guardians get involved in the school?
MICDS has a vibrant and active parent body. Our Parents Association offers all MICDS parents and guardians numerous ways to engage in our community including through educational speakers, cultural events, book clubs, social gatherings, and volunteer opportunities. Most importantly, we collaborate with our parents through our Parent-School Partnership, a formal commitment between families and the School to embrace the tenets of our Mission Statement as we work together to support the growth of our students.

How do you use technology in the classroom?

How do you use technology in the classroom?
Our teachers understand technology is a powerful tool that, when used appropriately and responsibly, facilitates the development of a rigorous, engaging, and innovative curriculum. Technology allows our teachers to differentiate, be creative, use real-world data, test complex models, and deliver a progressive, 21st-century education.
Lower School students benefit from our one-to-one iPad and Macbook Air program, depending on the grade level. Our technology literacy program focuses on enhancing the curriculum, not using it as a substitute when another approach would be pedagogically more sound. Our Lower School Coordinator of Instructional Technology and Digital Literacy partners with each grade level team to thoughtfully scaffold the introduction of technology and develop students into being good digital citizens who know how to make use of resources when needed.

After-School Activities
What after-school activities are offered?

After-School Activities
What after-school activities are offered?
We believe after-school activities should be just as exciting and engaging as the school day itself. Our extended day program (available at an additional cost) is dedicated to providing a vibrant, learning-rich experience in a safe, nurturing atmosphere until 6:00 p.m. every day; and we offer a host of enrichment activities – from Little Veterinarian School and Crazy Chemworks to Supersonic Superheroes, Strings & Piano Lessons, and more!

Student Support
What resources do you offer to support student learning?

Student Support
What resources do you offer to support student learning?
Students thrive when they are known. Along with our expert teachers in the homerooms and specialist classrooms, Beasley has its own counselor, learning specialist, and literacy coordinator who collaborate with our homeroom teachers to support students as needed. Our teachers and staff meet students where they are and work with them to become the best version of themselves.

Open House & More Questions
Who can help answer my additional questions?

Open House & More Questions
Who can help answer my additional questions?
Open House is a perfect time to experience some of what MICDS has to offer and to get some of your additional questions answered. RSVP to Open House here!
As you have more questions, please contact Bill Senti, the Associate Director of Admission – MICDS Lower School. His contact information is below:
Additionally, our entire Admission team is delighted to help answer any questions. Meet the whole Admission team here.
Best wishes for your search!

Open House
Register for Open House on October 5.