Questions & Answers

Top MICDS Middle School Questions

Selecting a school for your child is a very important task with many factors to consider. To help in your search, we’ve put together our answers to some of the most popular questions we receive during Open House and the Middle School application process. We hope you find this information about MICDS and our Middle School useful as you find the school that is the best fit for your child.

What can you share about the student community?


What can you share about the student community?

We have 1,250 students in our JK-12 community, and 60 percent of our students join MICDS in Middle School. We have 414 students in our Middle School with entry points in 5th and 6th grades, and our biggest entry point is in 7th grade. In a typical year, there are 15 to 18 students in each classroom.

MICDS has a diverse, welcoming community. Here are some quick facts:

  • 43% of our students identify as students of color
  • Over 75 zip codes are represented in our student body
  • 26% of our students are supported by more than $6.73 million in need-based tuition assistance
  • School-wide, new students this year came from over 118 schools in the metro area and around the world

We have a significant number of students who are alumni of Andrews Academy, Central Christian School, City Academy, Community School, Forsyth School, New City School, Rohan Woods School, Rossman School, Wilson School, and a number of public and parochial schools in the area.

Our community is intentionally diverse. We practice different faiths, are ideologically and racially diverse, learn differently, and hail from homes around this city and the world. What unites us is a common belief in the call to action of our Mission Statement: to embrace all of the world’s people with compassion, to stand for what is good and right, and to lead lives of purpose and service.

Tell me about the MICDS faculty.


Tell me about the MICDS faculty.

One of the top three reasons current parents love MICDS is our best-in-class faculty. More than 74 percent hold advanced degrees. Faculty teach their passion and expertise, as well as sponsor student activities. Serving as advisors and coaches, teachers get to know students both in and out of the classroom. Our Middle School teachers are experts at the developmental needs of kids at this age, and they love teaching Middle School! Teachers develop deep, trusting relationships with their students and ensure all children are engaging in meaningful academic, social, emotional, and physical growth in their Middle School years.

“Everybody is super nice and all the teachers make things fun. The teachers also make sure everybody understands what we are doing and they are always willing to help.” ~Current MICDS Eighth Grader

“The community is very welcoming and I always feel included whether that’s in the classroom or on the field. The teachers are so supportive and make me feel like I can do the impossible!” ~Current MICDS Eighth Grader

“I like the community, the attitude of the people here, and the way that the teachers challenge us to be the best we can be.” ~Current MICDS Seventh Grader

Describe your athletics program.


Describe your athletics program.

Middle School students experience physical education every day, during which they learn the skills of many traditional and nontraditional sports. Students are taught, and experience first-hand, the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle.

Our athletics program offers 15 sports teams for 7th and 8th graders. Student-athletes enjoy state-of-the-art facilities and outstanding coaching—over half of our head coaches are also faculty members.

Over the last 10 years, our athletic teams (school-wide) have claimed 76 state championships in 15 different sports. But winning is just part of the experience for our student-athletes. Our coaches focus on instilling values in our student-athletes which they’ll carry their entire lives: leadership, empowerment, and teamwork.

School Format
Is this a Middle School, Secondary School, or Junior High?

School Format

Is this a Middle School, Secondary School, or Junior High?

MICDS offers a true Middle School experience within a Junior Kindergarten (age 4) to 12th-grade community. Grades 5-8 are housed together on one end of campus, offering a developmentally-appropriate program academically and socially.

In our Middle School, students have leadership opportunities immediately through student council, activity clubs, and athletics. Our teachers are experts at teaching middle schoolers and fully participate in the vibrant, fun, and often messy life of the school. By the time our students complete eighth grade, they are ready to spread their wings on the Upper School campus with the confidence and compassion gained during their Middle School years.

What’s the cost of tuition? What are some typical expenses?


What’s the cost of tuition? What are some typical expenses?

Tuition for grades 5-6 is $30,190 and grades 7-12 is $34,910. Many of the costs associated with attending MICDS are included in tuition such as lunch, laptop and fees, after-school snacks, field trips, and the Summer Bridge orientation program for new students.

We have a significant tuition assistance budget at MICDS. Schoolwide, we award over $6.73 million of need-based tuition assistance each year to families. About 26% of our students receive some amount of financial support. The average award for grades 7-12 this year is $21,600.

Additional costs beyond tuition can range from $300 to $1,500 depending on the student’s grade and interests. Those receiving tuition assistance also receive assistance with costs essential to full participation in the MICDS community.

Core Values
How do you go about instilling your core values in students?

Core Values

How do you go about instilling your core values in students?

We have an honor code at all levels of MICDS. In the Middle School, the Honor Code reads, “I will live by the principles of Trust, Respect, Responsibility, and Honor as a student at MICDS.” This is ingrained in our community as the guiding expectation of conduct. As Middle School educators, we seek to develop in each of our students a sense of personal honor and an appreciation of their rights and responsibilities as members of our school community.

As an extension of the School’s Mission and our Middle School Honor Code, we have created student-friendly language that speaks to our expectations and ideals for how to be our best selves. Recognizing that each of us has a role in shaping our school culture and community, we commit to LEAD each and every day.

  • Learn with curiosity and joy
  • Embrace challenge
  • Advocate for self and community
  • Demonstrate collaboration and teamwork

The goal is to establish a healthy community in which all students feel welcome and included, and that our Middle School is a safe and supportive place for all.

College Counseling
How does your college counseling program work?

College Counseling

How does your college counseling program work?

At MICDS, college counseling begins in the ninth grade. Through our unique, four-year program, students recognize their strengths and goals—ultimately choosing paths that meet their personal criteria and will provide a challenging environment for them to flourish after high school. It is our philosophy that strong communication among students, parents, and college counselors lies at the heart of a meaningful and successful college application process.

Our Class of 2024 graduates matriculated to excellent and highly competitive programs at 85 schools in 27 different states as well as Washington, DC, Canada, Italy, and Scotland. Twenty-one student-athletes are continuing their athletic careers at impressive colleges and universities.

MICDS alumni from the past several classes are attending some of the most selective institutions in the country, including Harvard, Stanford, Brown, Columbia University, Vanderbilt University, Dartmouth College, Cornell University, University of Southern California, Carnegie Mellon University, Georgetown University, United States Air Force Academy, University of California – Berkeley, University of California – Los Angeles, Vanderbilt University, Washington University, and Yale. 

Parent/Guardian Involvement
How can parents and guardians get involved in the school?

Parent/Guardian Involvement

How can parents and guardians get involved in the school?

MICDS has a vibrant and active parent body. Our Parents Association offers all MICDS parents and guardians numerous ways to engage in our community including through educational speakers, cultural events, book clubs, social gatherings, and volunteer opportunities. Most importantly, we collaborate with our parents through our Parent-School Partnership, a formal commitment between families and the School to embrace the tenets of our Mission Statement as we work together to support the growth of our students.

How do you help new students connect with the Middle School community?


How do you help new students connect with the Middle School community?

With so many new students joining our Middle School, we are experts at transitions. We offer a Summer Bridge program for students new to grades 5-8 that includes orientation, a preview of our academic expectations and procedures, and the opportunity to begin building relationships with MICDS students and teachers. 

Each grade level also starts the year with orientation, team-building activities, and advisory lunches to ensure kids are connected and comfortable before diving into their academic work. 

How do you use technology in the classroom?


How do you use technology in the classroom?

We are a wireless campus with a one-to-one tablet laptop program for grades 5-12. All Middle School students receive a tablet laptop as new students, along with ongoing guidance on how to use this important resource effectively and responsibly, ensuring that they graduate as good digital citizens with the tools and resources they need for success in college and beyond.

Our teachers understand technology is a powerful tool that, when used responsibly, facilitates the development of a rigorous, engaging, and innovative curriculum. Technology allows our teachers to differentiate, be creative, use real-world data, test complex models, and deliver a 21st-century education.

Student Experience
How do Middle Schoolers describe their MICDS experience?

Student Experience

How do Middle Schoolers describe their MICDS experience?

Lydia Brown ’28, shared this reflection at the Eighth Grade Celebration in May: “Our Middle School journey, which commenced in fifth grade, was marked by unique challenges. We met new faces, even behind those beautiful face masks, and navigated from room to room on Zoom, a task that was not without its difficulties. As we advanced to sixth grade, a sense of normalcy returned as we all found our place. In seventh grade, our class doubled in size, presenting new challenges and opportunities for friendships. And now, in eighth grade, we stand united by these experiences and many more that have shaped us into this incredible, unified class.

“We are a diverse blend of talents, cultures, and backgrounds, a testament to our resilience and growth. We are students, athletes, musicians, singers, dancers, actors, leaders, and, most importantly, friends. Each of us brings our strengths to the table, and we are always cheering each other on, pushing one another to achieve more and be our best. This mutual respect runs deep, forming an unbreakable and resilient bond. I am so proud of all we have been through and where we stand today. I am confident that each and every one of us possesses the potential to achieve remarkable things, and I am filled with anticipation for the accomplishments that await us in the years to come.”

Open House & More Questions
Who can help answer my additional questions?

Open House & More Questions

Who can help answer my additional questions?

Open House is a perfect time to experience some of what MICDS has to offer and to get some of your additional questions answered. RSVP to Open House here!

As you have more questions, please contact Kerry Bryan, the Associate Director of Admission – MICDS Middle School. Her contact information is below:

Additionally, our entire Admission team is delighted to help answer any questions. Meet the whole Admission team here.

Best wishes for your search!