Middle School Teacher Ines Shultz Speaks at Eighth-Grade Celebration

At our annual Eighth Grade Celebration held during the last week of school, Middle School Spanish Teacher Ines Shultz addressed eighth graders and their families before their transition into the Upper School at MICDS. Here are her remarks.

Dear students, tonight is a special occasion, not only because we are celebrating you, the MICDS Class of 2028, but also because this is a moment driven by love. Your families, the most important people in your lives, are here, as are we, your teachers, who love you and want the best for you. I am honored to have the opportunity to address you tonight alongside my wonderful colleagues. Thank you.

My dear students, you have given me more than I could ever give you. And that is the beauty of being a teacher. It brings us great joy to see you grow, understand, share ideas, put into use what you have learned, and have a lifelong love of learning. It also worries us when things don’t go as planned. Trust me, we try to help you learn and really grasp the concepts every step of the way.
I have been thinking about what to share with you, and from my humble heart, I would like to say a few things. What I want to say goes beyond academics. Your families and our amazing teachers are going to make sure you do what you need to do to shine at every step of your academic career, so here I go.

First, let me begin by saying that each of you is precious and uniquely made; absolutely no one is like you, and you are so loved. Sometimes, we wonder, “I am not good at math, science, or even Spanish. What am I good at?” It takes time and effort to learn and be proficient at something. But today, and always, I want to remind you that you have so much to offer. Each one of us has a purpose in life. You can do small actions but with great and sincere love. Have you noticed all your classmates? Have you just said “hello” to a classmate that is not in your group? Have you even looked at him or her? Have you worked in class with someone new to the School? Have you called your grandparents, or an aunt, or an older sibling just to say hello?

These days, we live in a time when we are so attached to our phones, social media, or other distractions that we don’t realize that we are missing the most important part of being a human. We often miss connecting with one another. And that is so important. So please, my dearest students, work on being present and noticing others. Notice your family and all your classmates, not only those you are close to but all of them. A smile, a hello, and a high five can do so much. All of us have a mission: to lift one another up. And the time to do it is now.

Let me share a personal reflection. My husband liked to do many things and used to talk a lot about history, which was his passion. Many times I would tell him, « We can do that later, another time, or I am busy. » He now has dementia and is unable to do the things he once liked to do or speak about his once-favorite topics. His sickness has taught me to realize that the time to do something is now. The time to smile is now, the time to reach out to another person is now, the time to talk to a new classmate is now, the time to say I am sorry is now, and the time to forgive is now. Do not let a moment pass where you can lift someone up. Remember that if you give love, love will come back to you. My husband’s condition has made me realize what is important in life, and I am blessed. Cherish your family and friends, for they are your greatest treasures. I encourage you not to let a day go by that you don’t smile at someone, offer a handshake, or notice who is next to you. As Saint Teresa of Calcutta said: « Do small things with great love.”

Finally, I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone. Your hellos, your participation, laughs, handshakes, questions, wonderings, hugs, complaints, silliness, worries, smiles, and your love will always be in my heart. Also, thank you for teaching me how to do the Griddy. Even though some of you tell me I am your grandma, you make me feel young. I don’t think I am that old, but it’s okay. I would adopt each one of you as my grandchild. Also, please forgive me for my errors along the way. You have to remember that I am not Wonder Woman. I may look like one, but in reality, I am not.

Please know that my door and my heart will always be open for each of you. Thank you for everything. Go and smile; life is beautiful. I love you all. God bless you.