Simera Balci ’28 Addresses Classmates at Year-End Celebration

At the Class of 2028 Celebration, Simera Balci ’28 shared her thoughts on this last year of Middle School with her classmates. Here are her remarks.

Today is a very important day in our lives as we move from Middle School to high school. This is a moment filled with mixed emotions, excitement for the future, and nostalgia for the past.

First, I want to thank our teachers and everyone who helped us learn and grow smarter. They all have guided us through Middle School, preparing us for what is coming next, and have shaped us into the people we are today. I also want to thank our families for their love, encouragement, and support. Their support has been one of the reasons for our success, and we get to go to such a great school like MICDS.

As we soon begin Upper School, we are going to be faced with a lot of responsibilities and challenges. During high school, we will encounter many obstacles that require us to be strong, keep going even when things get tough, and be able to problem solve, which are the skills we have been practicing in Middle School. As we feel excited and look forward to what is coming next, let us not forget the memories we have made together during our time in Middle School. Let us appreciate all the friendships and memories we have made while learning together every day. These years have shaped our identities and prepared us to face the challenges of high school. Before we move on to high school, let us take a moment to remember all the good times we have had in Middle School, the memories that will stay with us forever. Let us prepare to step into the next chapter of our lives with compassion. High school might be challenging, but I know we are ready for whatever challenges we face by facing them together. Congratulations, Class of 2028!