4th Grade to Gateway Arch

3rd and 4th Graders Explore History

3rd Grade Ventures to Missouri History Museum

Third graders experienced life as curators in the Missouri History Museum’s Curator for the Day program on Tuesday. « This program was a springboard to our Family History Museum that we will be displaying on Thursday, November 14, » shares Ms. Sarah McGinn, 3rd Grade Homeroom Teacher. Students will be curators of their family’s history specifically discovering how, when and why they live in the greater St. Louis area or in the United States.

At the end of their venture to the Missouri History Museum, some students shared the following reflections:

« I learned a lot about being a curator. » – Valeria Landrum ’29
« It was interesting to learn how exhibits in museums are built and designed. » – Timo Finnegan ’29
« The teachers at the History Museum knew a lot of interesting facts. » – Charlie Swank ’29

Fourth Grade Visits the Gateway Arch Museum

Last week, 4th grade students toured the newly-renovated Gateway Arch Museum as part of their curricular study of the Movement of People and Early Exploration. After a presentation on the importance of St. Louis in westward expansion, students investigated exhibits detailing the Louisiana Purchase, French and Spanish influence and Native American people. Many students left wondering why there was not much information on the first explorers, Plymouth, Jamestown or the Original Thirteen Colonies. Perhaps a PBL (project-based learning) project is on the horizon in Social Studies!