A Summer Glow-up for MICDS Campus

While some had the chance to relax this summer, it was full-steam ahead for the hardworking and talented members of our operations team as they tackled campus project after campus project. Thanks to them, the 100-acre MICDS campus had a “glow-up” over the past few months. We are thrilled to start the school year with a beautiful, well-prepped campus that will again be the perfect landscape to host the learning and excitement of the year ahead for our students, faculty, staff, and Ram families.

From spring break through the start of school, the operations team worked hard mowing, painting, making repairs, deep cleaning, renovating, performing preventive maintenance, and managing major projects. “They did all this during the 103-degree heat of June and the surprise downpours of July,” noted Beth Miller, Chief Financial and Operating Officer, at the kickoff all-employee meeting in early August. “A HUGE thank you to our operations team for their dedication and resilience. Your efforts did not go unnoticed!”

On the one hand, some projects were not as obvious, like new rooftops, asphalt and concrete, or heating and air conditioning units. Yet, these are all crucial to keeping our campus running smoothly. On the other hand, some projects were very noticeable, and some are still carrying on as progress is made during the school year.

Michael W. and Quirsis V. Riney Family Tennis Center

The most obvious project underway is for the new Michael W. and Quirsis V. Riney Family Tennis Center. Where we once had 15 asphalt tennis courts, we now have a work-in-progress. Thanks to some incredibly generous donors and a great partnership with Centerbrook Architects and BSI Constructors, we broke ground on the project in May 2024, as the school year was ending. This summer, we saw a parade of excavators, dump trucks, bulldozers, and cement trucks at this site, and the beeping of these vehicles reversing was a constant background noise to anyone working on campus.

The tennis center is already starting to take shape: the south wall is up, the north-south
walkway is paved, and underground electrical and plumbing are underway. “We are on track to celebrate the opening of the Michael W. and Quirsis V. Riney Family Tennis Center in March 2025,” Miller shares. “If our MICDS Boys Varsity Tennis Team could become state champions playing on the old courts, just imagine what they’ll achieve on brand-new post-tension concrete courts with spectator seating and Playsight technology!” To view progress on this tennis center, view the project camera here! The time lapses are especially interesting to see.

Ron Holtman Stadium

At Ron Holtman Stadium, the original contractor returned to address some water seepage issues, which required them to waterproof all the way down to the foundation. At press time, these issues should be resolved.

Danforth Hall Cupola

The Middle School was the focus of many projects, too. Be sure to look up on your next walk down to the south end of campus and take in the freshly painted cupola high above Danforth Hall.

Danforth Steps

Thanks to the generosity of a donor family, we continued our updates to the Danforth steps, replacing the cracking concrete and rusted railings with new ones.

Danforth Second-Floor Hardwood Floors

The hardwood floors on the second level of Danforth have been sanded and refinished to look like new!


Upper School Improvements

Over in the Upper School, we’ve put a new roof on Orthwein, installed a new HVAC unit in the
North Gym, and made changes to the Orthwein restrooms and library. The previous library office
and Orthwein restrooms were replaced with new bathrooms and a nursing area, and the library
also received a furniture refresh.

Dance Studio – In Progress

The Beasley Dance Studio is currently being transformed from a dimly lit and poorly ventilated space with a peeling floor to a bright, welcoming performance area with specialized flooring, new mirrors, paint, and more.

Admissions Suite – In Progress

The Admissions office is also getting a glow-up that will turn heads with its new look as the school year unfolds.

Branded Signage

You will notice new branded signage throughout the North Gym and Olson Hall areas.

Burying Electrical Wires

We also tackled a long-standing issue on the south end of campus by burying the electrical wires to help prevent the power outages that have plagued us in the past.

Ms. Miller reflected, “There is so much that was accomplished this summer on our campus, and I hope this gives you a small taste of the hard work that goes into maintaining MICDS.”  Thank you to the operations team for accomplishing so much this summer and for their hard work moving into the academic year.

We look forward to all of our Rams making the most of these campus improvements on their adventures ahead in the 2024-25 school year!