
Early Dismissal for Upper School Students ONLY - January 24

Due to a water main break north of campus, we are dismissing Upper School students early today. This early dismissal affects Upper School students only. If your student cannot drive themselves, please plan to pick them up immediately.

Athletics & After-School Updates - January 24

Please note the following athletics and activities updates: - Upper School Basketball games have been relocated to John Burroughs School this afternoon/evening. Times stay as scheduled. - The Upper School Wrestling tournament in the MAC will proceed as scheduled. - Upper School Squash in the MAC will proceed as scheduled. - All other Upper School sports practices and events, including Swimming, are canceled. - Lower and Middle School after-school activities will proceed as planned. Please check email and MICDS Athletics X account for more athletics updates:

Beasley Students Splash Kindness Wave throughout Lower School

Kindness once again has washed over the Beasley Lower School as the official Kindness Wave made several splashes this semester. What is the Kindness Wave? It’s a kind, thoughtful, and fun activity or gesture that students do as a class with another class. The first class picks the activity or gesture, sets up a time to get together with a class they’d like to spend time with, and then the two classes meet to share the fun and kindness together. Then, the tide shifts to the class that received the kind activity or gesture—it’s their turn to plan and pass kindness on to another class.

This year’s kindness wave began in the fall and it has continued all year long throughout many Beasley classes. See where the wave has crested these past several months!

Wave 4: 1B to 3A

These classes created clay hearts and colored kind messages.

Wave 5: 3A to 4C

Our 3A and 4C classes made six-sided bee snowflakes and origami bookmarks.

Wave 6: 4C to SKA

Fourth graders spent time with Senior Kindergarteners folding paper airplanes and launching straw rockets.

Wave 7: SKA to 2B

A STEM challenge was taken on by Senior Kindergarteners and second graders. They played a game called “Floor is Lava” where SK-second-grade pairs used plastic cups and popsicle sticks to try to hold as many bears as possible, keeping them from falling into lava.

Wave 8: 2B to 4B

Second and fourth-grade students enjoyed a break from their classes as they played board games and built relationships across the two classes. 2B brought board games from home and gathered some from school. They went to 4B and popped in unannounced (except the teacher knew they’d be coming) to surprise the fourth graders with a board game happy hour! The kids enjoyed interacting with one another and playing games.

Wave 9: 4B to SKB

When it was fourth grade’s turn to pass on the kindness wave, they chose to create fun outdoor stations for the Senior Kindergarteners.

Wave 10: SKB to JKB 

SK students each created an invitation for the Junior Kindergarten students inviting them to a popcorn and movie party. They left the invitations in the classroom while JK was on the playground, so the youngest Beasley students were greeted with a surprise when they came in that morning. Together, they enjoyed popcorn while watching Chicken Little.

Wave 11: JKB to 2A

Junior Kindergarteners invited second graders to play in their classroom to remember what JK was like. What fun the two classes had together!

“I am so happy to report that the Kindness Wave made it all the way throughout Beasley this year!” exclaimed Susie McGaughey, Lower and Middle School Counselor. “Every classroom felt the cool, refreshing waters of kindness wash over them thanks to each Lower School teacher and their fantastic students who took time to use their creative energies to spread some love and cheer throughout our school. This is what community looks like.”

What a great way to live into the MICDS Mission of embracing all the world’s people with compassion. Keep splashing kindness everywhere you go, Lower Schoolers!