A Race to the Finish!
Our traditional Senior Boat Race took place last weekend, where each senior advisory constructed a boat out of everyday materials such as cardboard, duct tape, and paint. After a boxed barbecue dinner provided by Flik, the rainy competition got underway with four heats, where each advisory’s boat and paddler raced to the other side of the pond. The top finishers–four advisories in total–then competed in the final race. In the end, the winners of the coveted first place title in this year’s Senior Boat Race were the advisory of Upper School Fine Arts Teacher Denise Douglas. Additionally, the t-shirt design contest winners were from the advisory of Samantha White, Upper School Administrative Assistant to Head of Upper School. What a winning group of upperclassmen!
*Additional images provided by Nikki Scheele and Bill Blackard
Senior Car Parade
The last day of school for our seniors was May 6, but the celebrations are far from over. After the tradition of passing the flag to the Junior class leaders, our seniors and their parents embarked on a campus car parade with fanfare on all sides! The Class of 2021 was cheered on and celebrated by the faculty and staff who have taught, cared for, and supported them these past years.
Congratulations, Class of 2021! We are forever grateful for your contributions to our school community, and you’ll always have a home at MICDS.