
Remote Learning for Upper School Students ONLY - January 29

Missouri-American Water needs to cut water to the Upper School campus on Wednesday, January 29, to permanently repair the water main leak that caused last Friday's early dismissal. Due to this repair work, Upper School students will have a remote, virtual learning day on Wednesday. Virtual learning will be implemented for Upper School students ONLY; our Lower and Middle School buildings will not be affected, and Lower and Middle School students are therefore expected to attend classes on campus as usual. Please see email for further details.

From FLIK Food Service: Pumpkin: More than Just Dessert

Are you familiar with the term superfood? We consider a superfood to be any food that yields additional health benefit beyond providing us with basic macronutrients. Each month, we promote a different superfood in the dining halls by incorporating it into our weekly menu, conducting unique superfood recipe tastings, and displaying superfood facts throughout the dining halls. In case you missed it, October’s featured superfood is pumpkin. Pumpkin is more than just a symbol for fall – it’s packed with Beta Carotene, a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from damage that could lead to chronic disease and accelerate the aging process. Beta carotene is also a provitamin, meaning it is converted to vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is essential for building and maintaining skin, teeth, and skeletal tissue, as well as keeping our vision sharp.

Enjoy this month’s superfood and remember not to throw out the seeds – they’re also loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants!

Visit our school’s food service website (below) and look under the Resources tab to download this month’s Superfood Pumpkin Recipe Packet:

Twitter: MICDS_Nutrition
Instagram: MICDS_Nutrition