Getting Curious About The Humans Of MICDS

Story and photos by Kaetlyn Smith ’30

After Winter Break, Middle School students headed into our first-ever Winter Term. One of the courses, called Humans of MICDS, is about students learning about social and communication skills through interviewing. Mabel Dando ’28 shared this comment about the class: “We are learning how to interview…My favorite thing is practicing interviewing each other!” While seventh and eighth graders were interviewing each other, they were listening and taking notes as well to see what their strengths and weaknesses were regarding how they answered the questions.

Middle School History Teacher Kayla Helton is teaching the students about interviewing and guiding them through the process. The students were getting curious and started asking questions to help them understand the steps of interviewing. They were coming up with questions to ask their partner to make the interview seem real. 

I asked Rylee Day ’28 why she chose to take Humans of MICDS. “I chose this class because I wanted it to be an opportunity for me to get to know other students who have a lot in common with me, » she said. « The point of this class is to be self-aware and to show how different you are from other people. It helps you to think about other people, and it helps you to become empathic.” 

Ms. Helton said, “They are gaining a lot of confidence and talking with people who they didn’t know before, and there is a growing sense of empathy in this group.” This course for seventh and eighth graders is really important because, in the future, you will definitely need to know how to interview if you want to get a job. This class will make a huge impact in the future.

Way to go, Rams!

Click here to visit the Humans of MICDS website!