MICDS Parents Association Kicks Off the Year

By Heather Johns P’28, Co-Chair of the Fall Coffee and Committee Fair

The Parents Association (PA) held its annual kick-off event, the PA Fall Coffee and Committee Fair last Friday, August 30 in Olson Hall. The PA welcomed a record crowd of enthusiastic parents and guardians eager to connect with one another, build community, and foster friendships. It was wonderful to welcome so many new families to MICDS!

A very successful Committee Fair preceded the meeting with many of our PA committee chairs and faculty members representing and highlighting their particular service to the PA. Parents were able to connect in person and find out how best to become involved in a committee of interest to them.

PA President Jen Hogan P’26, ’28 welcomed everyone to the event, and our Head of School, Jay Rainey, spoke about the digital well-being of our students. A thoughtful reference was made to Gollum’s obsession in Lord of the Rings with the Ring being compared to cell phones. Jay’s Gollum impersonation was definitely a highlight! His thoughtful remarks were the perfect balance of humor and intent, and the message was very well-received and appreciated.

During the business portion of the presentation, members of the 2024-2025 Parents Association Executive Board, Class Parent Chairs, and Vice Chairs were recognized and highlighted. The success of our many great school activities is a result of these people and their hard work. Parents also enjoyed a short slideshow on all-things PA, highlighting what a positive experience it is when you get involved!

The MICDS Parents Association is a truly special group. The PA mission is to foster closer relationships among parents, students, faculty, and administration of the school. For anyone unable to attend the coffee, it isn’t too late to get involved! Check out opportunities on the MICDS Parent Portal and reach out to anyone on the PA leadership team if you want to get connected with this great community of incredible and inclusive MICDS parents and guardians. We are looking forward to another great school year! GO RAMS!