
Early Dismissal for Upper School Students ONLY - January 24

Due to a water main break north of campus, we are dismissing Upper School students early today. This early dismissal affects Upper School students only. If your student cannot drive themselves, please plan to pick them up immediately.

Athletics & After-School Updates - January 24

Please note the following athletics and activities updates: - Upper School Basketball games have been relocated to John Burroughs School this afternoon/evening. Times stay as scheduled. - The Upper School Wrestling tournament in the MAC will proceed as scheduled. - Upper School Squash in the MAC will proceed as scheduled. - All other Upper School sports practices and events, including Swimming, are canceled. - Lower and Middle School after-school activities will proceed as planned. Please check email and MICDS Athletics X account for more athletics updates:

Nurturing Resilience in Children and Adolescents

Internationally renowned author Dr. Robert Brooks will offer a free lecture entitled “Nurturing Resilience in Children and Adolescents: The Search for Islands of Competence” on Thursday, September 30, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Churchill Center & School, 1021 Municipal Center Drive, Town and Country, MO, 63131. This event is free and open to the public. Walk-ins are welcome, but RSVPs are preferred. Call Mary Brotherton at 314-997-4343 or email with your name, phone number and number of attendees.

Internationally renowned author Dr. Robert Brooks will offer a free lecture entitled “Nurturing Resilience in Children and Adolescents: The Search for Islands of Competence” on Thursday, September 30, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Churchill Center & School, 1021 Municipal Center Drive, Town and Country, MO, 63131. This event is free and open to the public. Walk-ins are welcome, but RSVPs are preferred. Call Mary Brotherton at 314-997-4343 or email with your name, phone number and number of attendees.

In his presentation Dr. Brooks will describe strategies that parents, teachers, and other professionals can apply to nurture self-discipline, responsibility, hope, and resilience in children and adolescents, including those struggling with learning problems. He will highlight (1) the importance of empathy in understanding and responding to children, (2) why some youngsters from birth have more difficulty becoming resilient than their peers, and (3) the importance of identifying and reinforcing each child and adolescent’s “islands of competence.”

Dr. Robert Brooks has lectured nationally and internationally to audiences of parents, educators, and mental health professionals on topics pertaining to motivation, resilience, self-esteem, and family relationships. He has also written extensively about these topics. He is the author or co-author of 14 books including Raising Resilient Children; Raising a Self-Disciplined Child; and Seven Steps to Improve Your Child’s Social Skills.

Registration information

R.S.V.P. to Mary Brotherton at 314-997-4343 or

Leave your name, phone number and number of attendees. Walk-ins welcome, R.S.V.P. preferred