Orienting to a Brand New MICDS School Year

MICDS students from Junior Kindergarten through 12th grade started the new 2024-25 school year under a bright sun-filled sky with confidence, thanks much to the orientation and welcome events leading up to the big first day of school. Of course there were those first-day-of-school nerves too, but the excitement and joy was palpable as students filled classrooms, assemblies, hallways, and dining halls with some familiarity and confidence.

What makes this transition back to school or into the MICDS community so smooth? Our many welcome events over the past couple of weeks! Check out some of the programs that helped students connect and get their feet under them even before the first class day on Tuesday, August 20, 2024.

Lower School’s New Student Orientation and Welcome Back Playground Gathering

On Monday, August 19, the day before the first day of school, new Lower School families attended the Beasley New Student Orientation. They enjoyed a light breakfast and were welcomed into their child’s new classroom. Then, new and returning Lower School families mixed, mingled, and played at the Welcome Back Playground Gathering. This was an opportunity to reconnect with or meet new classmates and families, pick up carpool signs, and play together in the beautiful weather.

“The morning was a tremendous success for our students and their families,” reflected Amy Scheer, Head of Lower School. “New students were able to have a little time to see their new learning spaces and find a familiar face or two before experiencing the excitement and first-day jitters that always come at the start of school. Our returning students enjoyed reconnecting and meeting new friends as they explored the playground and said hello to their new teachers. There were so many smiling faces!”

Middle School Bridge

Middle School Bridge helps provide a successful transition for new students as they join MICDS Middle School. It is a weeklong program that includes an orientation to campus, academic enrichment, and a time for socialization with the new MICDS community. This year’s students tackled ice breaker and team building exercises like the Tarp Challenge, created pennants to get to know one another better, and took in a mini MICDS history lesson to better understand the Rams legacy. They also got familiar with the class schedule, their laptops, and the guiding Middle School acronym LEAD (Learning with curiosity and joy, Embracing challenge, Advocating for self and others, and Demonstrating collaboration and teamwork).

“Making connections ahead of the official start of the school year is one of my favorite parts of our MS Bridge Program,” shares Callie Bambenek, Middle School Science Teacher & Director of Middle School Bridge. “Our Bridge faculty team loves seeing our new students gain comfort and confidence as they navigate our school’s culture and schedule. Over 90 new Middle School students were able to participate in team-building exercises and walk their class schedules to have predictability in their Middle School space. We also had a great group of Summer RAMbassadors (rising ninth graders) who served as our student leaders to support our new students too—such a unique perk of our JK-12 school community.” By the end of the week, the goal of having our newest Middle Schoolers feel more confident and connected with MICDS was achieved!

Middle School Welcome Day

Middle School Welcome Day events were held by grade level on the Friday before school started, August 16. Students attended Welcome Day sessions, which included a grade-level orientation for students and a separate grade-level parent session followed by a class social. On Welcome Day, our Middle Schoolers also set up their lockers; some had their Middle School Book Day appointments.

Middle & Upper School Book Days

Book Days were held the week before school started so that Middle and Upper Schoolers could purchase and pick up books and supplies. They also had the opportunity to buy a yearbook and MICDS gear, drop off medications, pick up their laptop, or update their laptop’s software. Additionally, Middle Schoolers got their school pictures taken. What a great way to prep for the school year ahead!

Upper School Bridge

Upper School Counselor David Hotaling is the coordinator of the Bridge Program for incoming Upper School students who are new to MICDS. For two days before school starts, students receive an introduction to our academic and community expectations necessary for successful integration into the life of the upper school. They also learn about the support people and resources to help with their transition to Upper School. Perhaps most importantly, Bridge provides access to current students (Bridge Mentors) who welcome them to the school, provide information about student life, and answer questions. The goal is to give new students the guidance and confidence to successfully navigate their early days at MICDS. Upper School Spanish Teacher Christopher Barker helps keep things lively and entertaining by providing a team scavenger hunt, a series of interactive games known as “Bridge Bash,” and magic tricks.

We had our largest group ever attend Bridge this year, with 40 out of 41 new freshmen attending as well as a handful of 10th and 11th graders all guided by 20 current students who served as Bridge Mentors. “To me, the mentors are the heart of the program,” Hotaling said. “Adults can share information all day long, but hearing from peers about the inside scoop and tips for navigating both academic expectations and social life is invaluable for teens.”

“Being brand new to any community can be a little intimidating,” says Hotaling. “Although we’re an incredibly welcoming place overall, when you consider the size of the campus, the class schedule, and all of the moving parts, there’s a lot for everyone to take in. I love that MICDS Upper School provides our newest students opportunities to connect with fellow new students, meet current students, walk their schedule, and get questions answered before the hustle and bustle of the first day of school.”

In response to a survey question to gather feedback, one participant replied, “I loved this program and it really helped me feel comfortable at MICDS. Another stated, “I don’t have any (suggestions for improvement). Bridge was really helpful and fun!” Welcome to all of our new Upper Schoolers!

Upper School Orientation

Upper School Orientation is held for all 9th-grade and new 10th through 12th-grade students. This year’s orientation was held on Monday, August 19. New MICDS Upper Schoolers met their advisor, college counselor, and classmates. Next, they traversed around campus on a helpful tour of Upper School. To close out the program, students attended a Welcome Question & Answer Session before enjoying Italian Ice, an opportunity their parents/guardians were welcome to attend.

Reflecting on the orientation program, Ms. Nicole Trueman-Shaw, Ninth-Grade Dean and Director of Upper School Student Leadership, shared, “I loved having the entire ninth grade together for the first time on Monday afternoon! Yes, every single one of them was present! We first gathered in Brauer before sending students off to work with their advisors and our amazing Senior Leadership Group led by Brian Coco, Upper School Science Teacher. Seniors were paired up with each advisory and not only helped ninth graders get a better sense of the official Upper School expectations, but they also gave them all the “unofficial” info like the best drinking fountains, best places to hang out during free time, and info to make their first days on campus better.” Hooray for our new MICDS Upper Schoolers!

With all of these helpful orientations, programs, and gatherings, we hope the transition to the new school year as a 2024-25 Ram went smoothly for all our new and returning students. Thank you to the faculty and staff who put their hearts into these programs to make every student feel a sense of belonging in our community. Let’s go, Rams!