Rams Connect Across Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Grades in the Middle School

To bring the Middle School closer together and forge connections across the fifth, sixth, and eighth grades, Middle School Science Teacher Callie Bambenek started the Rams Connect program last year. Rams Connect was born out of the feedback from Middle School advisors stating there was a need to celebrate moments across grade levels more within the Middle School community. Through the program, once a month, advisories across fifth, sixth, and eighth grades meet so students can get to know Rams in other grades while engaging in a fun activity.

„The goals of Rams Connect are multi-faceted,“ explains Bambenek. „This time promotes well-deserved student leadership and added service for our eighth graders as they ‚LEAD‘ and plan the activities for their paired fifth- or sixth-grade advisory, down to the detail of even contacting the advisory to plan and reserve their space for that session. Rams Connect allows our fifth and sixth graders to see our eighth graders as their peers and important community builders, as well as people they can connect with when they see them traveling the halls or at different school events! It allows all of our students and advisors alike opportunities to belong with each other in a space that promotes light-hearted fun.“

The first Rams Connect session was held this week on Thursday, September 12. During Community Time, the fifth, sixth, and eighth graders could be seen throughout campus playing mafia, kickball, and touch football, making friendship bracelets, and producing a silly and fun fashion show. They learned each other’s names, shared a lot of laughs, and fostered a sense of belonging with one another.

What activities did our Middle School Rams bond over?

Outdoor Activities Indoor Activities
  • Kickball
  • Sharks and Minnows
  • Ping Pong
  • Air Hockey
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Ultimate Frisbee 
  • Wiffleball
  • Spikeball
  • Four Square
  • Touch Football
  • Name Games
  • Interviewing
  • Would You Rather?
  • Straw Tower Challenges
  • Trashin‘ Fashion
  • Balloon Rockets 
  • Charades 
  • Apples to Apples
  • Friendship Bracelets
  • Kahoot
  • Scattergories
  • Silent Ball

Some teachers and students commented on their time during Rams Connect. „As a new eighth grader, I really enjoyed being with the fifth graders for Rams Connect because I got to feel a sense of MICDS community,“ reflected Aanya Gande ’29.

Scott Smith, Middle School English Teacher, said, „This space is helpful when it comes to building communities now and laying the foundation for strong communities down the road. Yesterday, my eighth-grade advisory boys played touch football with a sixth-grade advisory and had fun doing it. More important than the fun we had is that the boys did a great job modeling sportsmanship and celebrating the younger students‘ achievements—even those of the other team. It was a wonderful investment of time and one I hope we continue.“

Middle School Math Teacher Dustin Delfin’s advisory also had a great experience. „Rams Connect gave our Middle School Rams the opportunity to establish relationships and interact with peers of various grade levels. My sixth graders enjoyed connecting with older students over a game of kickball.“

Why doesn’t seventh grade participate in Rams Connect? Class size doubles in seventh grade at MICDS, so their focus is on building community and a sense of belonging within that particular grade. Those students spend the year uniting and growing as a strong class. Becoming close this year allows them greater capacity to lead and foster community through Rams Connect once they reach the eighth grade.

We can’t wait for the Rams connection to grow stronger and stronger throughout the year. Thank you to Ms. Bambenek and all of the fifth, sixth, and eighth-grade teachers for helping these students connect and build a close-knit MICDS Middle School community!