Rams Explore the Makerspace

Story and Photos by Sana Raza ’30

Over these last couple days, seventh and eighth graders have been working in the Makerspace, in Maker, which is a class during Winter Term. They’ve been working on woodworking, 3D printing, and CNC carving. CNC carving is a type of carving controlled by a computer. The students have been working very hard to get their projects done before the end of the week. Some are making benches and birdhouses, while others are working online to make a 3D sculpture. However, while kids are working and staying productive, they still find ways to communicate with their peers. They aren’t afraid of asking for help, whether it be from teachers or students. Kids have been working in pairs or by themselves. 

Students doing woodworking and 3D printing are enjoying time in the Makerspace. They are able to make whatever they’d like. Three students in seventh grade, Mia Matisziw ‘’9, Journey Crossland ’29, and Kathrine Speckhals ’29, are making a bench. Other students are making birdhouses, signs, and many more items. Students are learning how to communicate, work well with peers, and express creativity. Students are able to get to know their Makerspace much better with this class.

Annie Amos ’29 said, „Being creative is a really fun part of class.“ Branson Lawrence, Middle School Science Teacher/Maker & Robotics Coordinator, who is teaching CNC carving, is hoping that the students understand the CNC carving software to the best of their abilities. The students are learning how to laser cut as well. Laser cutting is when a machine cuts wood, cardboard, glass, etc, with a laser beam. 

Personally, I can’t wait to see what our Rams created in the Makerspace during Winter Term this year!