Senior Science Student Discusses Her Work on a Coronavirus Test

In a podcast developed in Science Seminar class with Upper School Science Teacher Mr. Paul Zahller, Shudi Wang ’21 talks about the complexities of developing a vaccine for the coronavirus and what it will take to roll out new vaccines to the general public.

The podcast begins with a discussion about an incredibly ambitious coronavirus test that Wang and Mr. Zahller have been designing. It uses a novel approach to testing, taking samples from saliva and earwax. (Great news for anyone who has experienced the six-inch-long nasal swab test!)

«As part of the preliminary work for that test, Shudi has been studying scientific literature and commentary about coronavirus testing, testing platforms, and vaccine development,» said Zahller.

The episode was made to share information about vaccine development with Upper School students who participated in a survey early in the year on whether they’d like to stay up-to-date on news concerning a coronavirus vaccine. Although there was no goal for a series when creating the podcast, Zahller said that it is possible.

«I’d be happy to turn it into a series. Shudi is so capable and articulate on this subject,» he said.

“The process of creating the podcast really allowed me to take an in-depth look into a scientific process that is occurring as we speak,» said Wang. «I hope that the podcast can help alleviate the anxiety people have around the vaccine and help guide them towards their next steps tackling the pandemic.”

Listen to the podcast below:

Mary Institute and Saint Louis Country Day School · Shudi Wang ’21 and Mr. Paul Zahller Discuss Coronavirus Vaccine and Novel Testing Method