Striving for continual progress.
A brighter, better future together.
Our Strategic Plan provides guidance and a clear sense of purpose as we continue to fulfill the School’s Mission and build upon our high level of successes.
Priorities of our strategic plan.
Priority 1: Provide Opportunity
- Objective 1.1: Increase awareness of and access to an MICDS education to attract, enroll, and retain promising students across demographic and socioeconomic strata
- Objective 1.2: Recruit, hire, invest in, and retain exceptional teachers and staff whose identities, life experiences, and passions reflect, dignify, and inspire those of MICDS students
- Objective 1.3: Optimize the breadth of offerings, depth of learning opportunities, and range of support services available to students throughout our curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs
- Objective 1.4: Strive to ensure the relevance and durability of all learning and growth experiences available to students in preparing them for their adult lives
- Objective 1.5: Maintain and enhance campus facilities and resources as necessary to realize the ambitions of current programs and to accommodate new programs
Priority 2: Build Character
- Objective 2.1: Establish and sustain trusting, compassionate, and productive student relationships with faculty, staff, and peers to foster emotional, social, and moral growth
- Objective 2.2: Instill and reinforce habits of preparation, organization, diligence, adaptability, honesty, and accountability in all students
- Objective 2.3: Model, cultivate, and celebrate initiative, originality, courage, and resilience in all student endeavors
- Objective 2.4: Empower students to discern and advance their values for the betterment of others through self-awareness, critical inquiry, constructive discourse, and effective leadership
Priority 3: Inspire Lives of Purpose and Service
- Objective 3.1: Encourage wonder, curiosity, imagination, excitement, and passion in students across all program offerings
- Objective 3.2: Nurture the practice of kindness, humility, selflessness, collaboration, service, and gratitude in all settings
- Objective 3.3: Strengthen community connections, culture, traditions, and pride among and between MICDS constituencies and generations
- Objective 3.4: Challenge students to extend the horizons of their hopes, ambitions, and altruism as they seek meaning and fulfillment in their lives both at and beyond MICDS
Strategic Planning Steering Committee
- Committee Members
- Jason Brauer ’94, Chair, Board of Trustees, P’24, ’26, ’28
- Jay Rainey, Head of School
- Dr. Charmaine Ansari, Trustee, P’22, ’27
- Eric Brunt ’02, Director of Enrollment Management, P’32, ’35
- Andrew Condie ’82, Former Chair, Board of Trustees, P’11, ’12, ’16, ’20
- Dr. Grace Lee, Dean of Faculty
- Dr. Sally Maxwell, Assistant Head of School for Teaching and Learning, P’25
- Beth Miller, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Operating Officer
- Lynn Mittler, JK-12 English Department Chair
- Amy Scheer, Head of Lower School, P’26, ’30
- Jennifer Schuckman, Head of Middle School, P’23, ’28
- Scott Small, Head of Upper School, P’22, ’25
- Paul Zahller, JK-12 Science Department Chair, P’35, ’37
Advancing our dynamic learning community.