Registration is open!

There’s no better way to dive into summer than by attending Camp Pegasus. Campers explore an array of exciting activities in the arts, sciences, technology, sports, and swimming or water play to ensure their brains and bodies are actively engaged throughout the day. Caring instructors and counselors serve as positive role models and lead the way to fun new experiences! All programs are full-day with lunch included. Before and aftercare options are also available.


Register here.

Programs, Dates, Pricing, and Availability

Meet our Pegasus team.

Make an impact.

Sample Activities

Arts & Crafts

Let your imagination take you on a creative adventure.

"It has the nicest campers. It has the nicest counselors. It has the best activities. It has the best food. Basically, everything there is about Pegasus is the best."

Camper Glenn
Pegasus Camper

Meet our Camp Pegasus Director

We'd love to answer your questions!